My First Business Failure

4 Lessons from my Mistakes

7 min readJan 13, 2021

Failure can absolutely suck it.

Even with the expansive methodologies available on managing failure, nothing prepares you for the emotional sting of it.

Now I am no stranger to failure. I failed at math (multiple times), failed at job interviews (that one phone interview that makes me cringe when I remember it), failed on the job (whole other story) but failing at something that demands your physical, emotional, financial, and mental capabilities is a whole other beating no one prepares you for.

I hate it and quite frankly I could do without it. Dramatic I know.

I have always dreamt of being an entrepreneur. The freedom- whether monetary or otherwise, was appealing. I envisioned it, dreamt, and tasted it even in my imaginations. Yet I failed at my first try. So far, in the last 90days+, I have made 0 dollars from my first online business.

Have I lost my mind? Ask again in a couple of days.

When the pandemic hit, I pondered ways to not only utilize and maximize my time but make some money in the process. 2020 presented that opportunity. Amidst the madness, with no training whatsoever, I took a dive headfirst into learning how to set up an online store with a limited budget and low expertise. Even with the…




Self-Development, Self-Improvement, and Marketing Writer. Voracious Learner, joyful coffee addict.